Lunch Update- Dropzone Commander

Lunch Update- Dropzone Commander

Now before you say, "No, not another project change!" this time I'm not. Beastmen are definitely foremost on the hobby table, and this Army Throwdown is going to get finished. However, I did preorder the brand new boxed game 'Dropzone Commander', and I couldn't help...

Beastmen Begun

Terrible pic I know but thought it'd be worthwhile to get back in the swing of posting progress. The first unit I'm painting for the Legio Army Throwdown will be a block of 25 Gors. Gotten started with basecoats and inking... we're off!
Valhallan Vendetta Pre Weathering

Valhallan Vendetta Pre Weathering

I'll get more pics up when this thing is well and truly done, but all the basecoat painting is done and the model's fully assembled. I just need to do a bit of weathering and some pin washes for the panel lines. I got it this far so I could get my hobby table clear...

Valhallan Ice Warriors Vendetta Started

Over the last few days I've been puttering away at my first vehicle for the Valhallan Imperial Guard army I've started on. I'm trying out color modulation with my airbrushing, but it's only two colors and is fairly subtle. Still, I'm happy with the overall color...