
I'm having some problems with my airbrush tonight that I'm still working out, so no painted pic tonight. However, here's a conversion for the sergeant of one of my Legion Tactical Squads that uses Forge World Mk IV armour and Sons of Horus etched brass, Space Marine...

Death Korps of Krieg Basilisk

Technically it's not 100% done, as I want to add a couple of artillery crew in the back. One of them has a rang finder and the other will be lugging a shell. The sticking point is getting a good shell for the guy to hold- the only Basilisk shell I see on the Forge...

Iyanden Victory!

Had my very first game of sixth edition 40k with Khairul's Angels Sanguine. Had a blast, especially since his army needs to get close to work. That means I actually get to shoot with all those wraithcannons! Many thanks for the game bro- 6th edition is cool :)

Iron Painter DONE

Over the weekend I participated in Legio Malaysia's first 24 hour "Iron Painter" competition. From 10 AM Saturday to 10 AM Sunday, we had to paint a game legal force of at least 30 models in that time. Models started assembled and primed, but that's all. I managed to...

Iron Warriors and Penal Legion Test

For the first time in quite a long while, a new codex has really gotten my hobby juices perkyelatin! I think the new Chaos Space Marine codex is fantastic, and I decided to try doing a quick Iron Warrior test for a possible new army. Back when I was living in New...