Avenging Sons Dreadnought COMPLETE

   Well, after trying a few Tau schemes and not finding one I liked AND could be painted fairly fast, I've decided to make part of my overall Avenging Sons project my choice for the upcoming Iron Painter. Here's the list I'm currently thinking of:Chaplain in...

Iyanden Eldar Fire Prism COMPLETE

After almost a year of Flames of War madness, I've decided to pop back into 28mm stuff and have some fun with 40K. I've been thinking about different projects I could do for the upcoming Iron Painter, and one of them was doing a nice addition to my Wraithguard-heavy...

Good Start to My Hobby Vacation

I'll get some pics up tomorrow, but for now I just wanted to post up some progress and motivate myself for the upcoming hobby binge of Flames of War and 40K. For FoW, I painted the last four Rifle/MG teams today. This finishes 1st Platoon 100%- huzzah! I also managed...

SPARTACUS Just Around the Corner

I was fortunate enough to play quite a few playtest sessions on this game both here in Malaysia as well as in New Zealand, and I can definitely say this game is a lot of fun. It does a great job capturing both the intrigue and the arena bloodshed quite well in the...

Two More Stands Done

More painfully slow progress with the completion of two more Rifle/MG team for 1st Platoon. I really need to get off my ass and get this army done before Tau, Death Korps, and Avenging Sons projects completely derail my Flames of War mojo...