Miniature Monday: Chaos Chimera

For this Miniature Monday I finally decided to rebase my Chimera for AoS. I did some of my 'magical stuff' flowing, some stone, snow to match the rest of my Tzeentch army. I also decided to try out my new stencils from the recent kickstarter by Anarchy Models. I used...

Celestant-Prime Finished

Hi there folks, have been painting like crazy for some time now and all that time I have put into this model... the Celestant-Prime.I must confess I was actually quite intimidated and excited at the same time before I decided to paint this model up. It's a really...

Minature Monday: Stormcast Eternals Starter Set finished

Hey there, this will be my biggest Miniature Monday so far. It's actually not one, but two new units that is finished and that concludes the whole Stormcast Eternals part of the AoS Starter Set finished. I know I know, some guys finished it in a week. But I'm a slow...

Miniature Monday: Chaos Knight of Tzeentch

I will not repeat that it was a long time since I posted last time and that I will post more in the future. But.... I think I will this time :PAnyway, have been painting on this guy, then left him, painted a little more, then left and.... now he is finished!It's the...

Miniature Monday: Chaos Hellcannon

It's that time of the week, Miniature Monday. Once again rebased model that I have just done some touch ups on. But thought this particular model suited quite well now as it seems that Games Workshop has stopped producing some models, which they have moved into a...