WIP Wednesday

I have soo many unfinished projects right now, but here's the stuff I hopefully will get finished really soon.Continuing the Savage Orcs, but takes time now when I decided I have to work some more on their skin.Also for for Tzeentch army, a Spawn which is nearly done...

Miniature Monday: Orruks and Grots!

Continuing on my work on converting my Orcs and Goblins into Orruks and Grots (ugh... hate calling them Grots... ) for Age of Sigmar.This is not only a change of base from squares to rounds, I also repaint them quite extensively into the new colors I think I will go...

Miniature Monday: Savage Orcs.. Orruks or whatever…

Hey there, just a quick post.. Miniature Monday time, actually started to work a little on my Orcs and Goblins... Or Orruks and Grots! Anyway, new colorscheme, new type of basirng and doing some touch ups as well.Here's the first finished ones, five Savage Orcs.....

Merry X-mas and… I’m in Warhammer Visions!

Merry Christmas! Hope everyone is having a great day.Because of my shitty personal life etc. my blogging and hobby time haven't been great lately.But right when you need that extra boost to continue what you, BAAM you open latest issue (23) of Warhammer: Visions and...

News: Tzeentch Gaunt Summoner pictures!

Next up after the Varanguard of the Everchosen there's finally some new Tzeentch stuff, the Gaunt Summoner. It looks really sweet and will of course find it's into my AoS Tzeentch army.Pics via Lady Atia at War of Sigmar