News: Duardin Fyreslayer Sprue leaked!

Just run across these two pictures showing what it looks like an Duardin Fyreslayer, most probably an character or Dragon/Daemonslayer variant with the option of an Icon/Standard. Looks really cool in my opinion, can't wait to see it assembled and painted.Really...

Miniature Monday: Lions of Sigmar Lord-Relictor

Got some more Stormcast Eternals for you today, the Lord-Relictor! This dude took a lot more time to paint than what I first had thought for sure. The icon he has took a lot of time, as well as all the scrolls. But I like how he turned out in the end, regretted a...

Miniature Monday: Warriors of Nurgle

It's that time of the week again, Miniature Monday! Have much more stuff going on but struggling getting stuff finished. Been moving houses as well as my man cave but it's finally starting to get done so I can focus some more on painitng, and posting stuff on the...

Miniature Monday: Stormcast Eternals Retributors

Been away awhile again, been much in my personal life and at work. I have been doing some painting though. And finally Iv'e finished some more of my Stormcast Eternals, please say welcome to the Retributors!I really like these models, and I'm really happy with how...

Miniature Monday: Khorne Skullchrusher

All I do currently is about AoS, I'm building terrain, assemble models, paint models, rebasing and repainting.For this model I did the last two, I first repainted him quite a lot. Some of you might have seen how my old Skullchrushers looked liked, if not you can find...