News: Horus Heresy: New pictures of the box contents

Nice and crisp pictures showing the plastic sprues for the Cataphracti Terminators and Contemptor Dreadnought for the upcoming Horus Heresy game from Games Workshop.It's supposedly a standalone board game type, like Space Hulk, Execution Force etc. But I think GW will...

Miniature Monday: Throgg the Troll King

I continue with my rebasing of my WoC army, four Chaos Trolls is already done, and here's their King as well... Throgg!Not as good as he was in 8th I still think he is and good addition to any WoC army, especially if you have a lot of Chaos Trolls, Chaos Ogres etc....

Age of Sigmar – Making themed armies – Tzeentch

One of the best things with Age of Sigmar is the fact that you have much more opportunities when it comes to doing a themed army. You could do this before as well, but with much more restrictions and often it became a really soft list. Although you can mix and match...

Miniature Monday: Daemon Prince of Tzeentch WIP

The only thing I post nowadays Miniature Monday! Well I will be better posting more stuff up here, currently moving and making a new hobby room so between that, having young kids and some painting there isn't much time left...But for now, here's my Mini Monday for...