Miniature Monday: Mutalith Vortex Beast

Cheating a little here, this beast was finished for quite some time and I did nothing with the paintwork when I re-based this guy, I was happy with how he looked already. I did however put some extra effort into his base, as I got the idea that the magical vortex is...

Miniature Monday: AoS Tzeentch Sorcerer Lord

Continuing working on my rebasing of my entire WoC army and here's the latest one. You might remember this one, I painted it quite some years ago. I liked how it looked, but it could look better and I got an idea.The vortex on my Mualith Vortex Beast looked really...

Miniature Monday: Chaos Trolls rebased for AoS

Yeah I'm cheating a little here, not really new models, but new bases and I think they got an whole new and more dynamic look.These models where a pain to rank up, especially with Throgg in the unit as well. So the new round bases makes this much easier (Throgg is...

Age of Sigmar: Reinforcements and more

Not reinforcements in game terms just yet though. But I finally got my box of AoS from Wayland Games (it had been in the post office here for over a week without me knowing it :( ) Anyway, got some nice stuff in here so here we go.My camera battery charger is still...

Warzone: Resurrection – Two new limited edition books

Prodos Games announced two limited edition books yesterday, one is for about the Imperial Corporation is on 84 pages in full color. Of course you will have all the rules in there as well as background, new artwork etc. You can find it here. There is just 132 copies...