Age of Sigmar: Lions of Sigmar Plog Part 1

So I figured I could do a painting log on the different projects I do currently. And the one thing that is keeping my hobby time occupied right now is my Stormcast Eternals from the AoS starter box.As you can see in the title, I'm painting them up as Lions of Sigmar,...

Hobby Update: Terrain and more

Been doing a lot of work on my terrain lately, much of the terrain I had looked okey to begin with but wanted it to me more unified and look better together, especially for playing games for AoS.That and the time I spent on painting my Stormcast Eternals have all...

Miniature Monday: Stormcast Eternals Prosecutor finished!

Not technically Monday still here in Sweden but I guess there's still Monday in other timezones so it still counts I think :PAnyway, just finished my first Prosecutor for my Lions of Sigmar, fun to paint and I did some Airbrushing as well to get some blending on the...