News: Age of Sigmar rules leaked + more info

The rules is as simple as the rumors has said, some page with easy and short texts describing every aspect of the game of 'Age of Sigmar', this is of course the basics of the new Warhammer but we might see more advanced rules later, or not.Here's also some info...

News: More Age of Sigmar pictures!

Some more Age of Sigmar pictures is showing up, these are via The One Harlequin TroupeTumblr page.The more I look at the new 'Empire' models the more I dislike the their helmets, It's just to similar to the Sanguinary Guard death masks, and to be honest I never liked...

News: First pics of the new Age of Sigmar models are here!

At last, pictures of the new models. I'm stunned, gorgeous models! I got these via @firstautarch at twitter.Update: So after I have been looking more on these guys I'm a little bit torn. First of all, I love the new models. Both the Sigmarines (this name is spot on)...

Age of Sigmar: Latest rumors

We grab at every little bit of info now because we still don't know much about Age of Sigmar/9th ed or not etc.Don't have anything new I'm afraid but here are the latest stuff,Age of Sigmar box contentsvia Steve the Warboss1x Empire General on Griffin5x Knights of...

News: Age of Sigmar in the next White Dwarf (pictures)

Nothing new really when it comes to pictures of models so far but hey, it's a life sign from Warhammer in White Dwarf.Pics is from Captain Citadel over at this thread on Spikey Bits forum.So...Interersting bit, The lightning strikes, that is probably Sigmar who...