Unboxing Warzone: Resurrection – Imperial Mourning Wolves

The fierce female warriors known as Mourning Wolves originate from all walks of Imperial life. School teachers, mothers, accountants, lawyers, and just about every other profession or previous vocation one can imagine. They all have one thing in common though; each...

Miniature Monday: Heroes from Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Just a short Miniature Monday today. This is some late WIP:s of three of the first heroes I started to paint up, and happens to be the three heroes we have in the first of our campaigns in Imperial Assault.I really like to paint these miniatures up as they are quite...

News: New Space Marines stuff, pics from White Dwarf

So Space Marines next, we see a new Assault Squad and some chapter specific upgrade sprues to use with these or existing Space Marine kits. Would love to see this kind of sprue for some of the lesser chapters as well, maybe in the future.Pics is from Bastion on Facebook

Unboxing Warzone Resurrection: Morten Oakenfist

The result of an aristocratically arranged marriage between the fifth daughter of the second son of the Murdoch Chieftain and the dim-witted heir to the Oakenfist Clan, Morten Oakenfist is a blessed man indeed; he has gained the wisdom and shrewdness from...