Unboxing Warzone: Imperial Special Forces

Here's a new unboxing of one of the new units for the Imperial Corporation. This unit 'Special Forces' is really a generic term, because it can be tooled up and customized to be used many types of units either as a made up Special Force or one of the many existing...

Miniature Monday: AT-ST from Star Wars Imperial Assault

I'm currently painting up as much models as I can for our ongoing Imperial Assault campaign (love the game btw), one of the first models I had to paint up was the AT-ST. This model is probably best of them all and could work in any miniatures game quality wise.Really...

Unboxing Warzone: Imperial Wolfbanes Starter Box

I have been waiting for this unboxing a long time now, it's time for the second Imperial Starter Box and now we finally get the other half of the iconic Imperial army, the Wolfbanes! These Clan warriors are some of the most unique and iconic of the Mutant Chronicles...