Miniature Monday: Imperial Blood Berets

Monday again and finally I have these guys finished. It's five more Blood Berets for my Imperial force in Warzone: Resurrection, this time with Chain Rippers. Fun to paint but they do take some time for sure. I'm really happy with how they turned out though and work...

Miniature Monday: Imperial Blood Berets

Monday again and finally I have these guys finished. It's five more Blood Berets for my Imperial force in Warzone: Resurrection, this time with Chain Rippers. Fun to paint but they do take some time for sure. I'm really happy with how they turned out though and work...

Robotech RPG Tactics is here!

I know you in the States have had this for some time now, but finally we European backers get our Wave 1 stuff too. I will do a proper unboxing of it soon, but I can say now already that it looks like a really nice box. And with millions (almost anyway) parts in it...

Kickstarter: Last 24 hours of Blood Rage!

Haven't mentioned this game I'm currently backing over at Kickstarter, it's called Blood Rage. You might however have seen it on many other wargaming sites becasue even if this is a tabletop game, it has a lot of awesome looking miniatures. Not only that, but the game...