News: Snotling Fling – Official Trailer

The crazy things people come up with, ever wanted to play Angry Birds in 3D? And shoot snotlings and goblin doomdivers instead? Well this is your kind of game. Looks like fun, but these kind of games (angry birds and the like) aren't my cup tea really. What do you...

Miniature Monday: Space Marine with airbrushed Power Sword

Hey there, missed last Miniature Monday but now I have model to show you. It's actually an model I painted several years ago, but I wanted to try and do a power sword effect that you commonly see now days. You pretty much need to do this with an airbrush, so I wanted...

Unboxing Warzone Resurrection: Baron Leopold von Jaeger III

Jaeger considers himself a hunter more than a military man; he spent his childhood honing the art of the hunt in the jungles of House Piquarde, near Helmutsport on Venus. The skills he developed while hunting Devilcat, Venusian Python and alike on his ancestral home,...