Miniature Monday: Moonclan Grots

Something else than Stormcast this Monday, Iv'e started a small project of repainting and rebasing my Orcs and Goblins, now Orruks and Grots in AoS. I went with black and orange as a colour scheme and I really like how these little fellas turned out. It was fun...

Unboxing/Review: Blood Bowl

A lot of people have been waiting for the resurrection of this game for a long time. Myself actually have never played the old versions of the game. I have only been playing Blood Bowl 1 and 2 on the PC/Ps4. But I was really happy when GW announced they are doing a...

Hobby Update: Blood Bowl and more!

Received some great stuff today! The Blood Bowl box, the Skaven team and Death Zone Season One! I must start to get my stuff together and post more on the blog. So I will be doing Unboxings/Reviews again and starting with this stuff (even if you probably have seen it...

Miniature Monday: Stormcast Eternals Paladin Protectors

Continuing working on my Stormcasts, and I really worked hard to pretty much paint these guys up during the past week.I don't know if it show or not but a lot of time and effort is in the armour itself with all the highlights and what not. It's worth it though because...

Miniature Monday: Lord-Celestant

This dude took more time than he should have. Probably because I decided to go with white on the one side of the cloak and the purple on the other. This took a lot of time, also I just wasn't happy with how he turned out. So I did white on his helmet as well and some...