News: The new releases shown in Nov White Dwarf

Got my White Dwarf today but haven't read through it enough to give you an review just yet. But there was a couple of surprises for me in the new releases section that I thought was interesting.Haemotrope Reactors for 40k, really nice looking. And for AoS an re...

Miniature Monday: Retributors finished!

Painted two more Retributors, one with the Starsoul Mace and one regular guy. So now it's a full unit. Want five more though and three more Starsoul Maces but that will have to wait a little, next up is the Lord-Celestant on foot and five Protectors.That's it for now.

Miniature Monday: Knight-Vexillor finished!

Continueng too finish more characters for my Stormcast army, this time it's the OP choice that many Stormcast players uses too throw in their best units into the enemy, the Knight-Vexillor with his mandatory pennant of the stormbringer.Not much too say...

Miniature Monday: Knight-Heraldor

Currently painting some characters for my Stormcast Eternals, showed you the Lord-Castellant two weeks ago and now I have finished my Knight-Heraldor as well. And it was an quite easy model to paint as well, especially compared to some of the models I have been...