Review: White Dwarf October 2016

Got my White Dwarf today (yay) and it is continuing in the new monthly format of course, and there's much to enjoy in here for sure. So on with the review shall we?First up, there's still a lot of stuff for both systems, but as the new releases where mostly 40k with...

Miniature Monday: Ghoul King

Something unusual for this Miniature Monday. This is the first Ghoul King for my brothers Flesh-Eater Courts army.I did a light skin on him as my brother wanted and made a little bit more interesting base for him as the model is leaping forwards and I think he has to...

Miniature Monday: Lord-Castellant and Gryph-hound

After I finished my Hurricanum I really got up to speed on my Stormcast Eternals. Currently painting a lot of characters and more Retributors. Also thinking of buying some more Stormcast stuff to give me more choice when it comes to army building. Mainly stuff so I...

Miniature Monday: Celestial Hurricanum finally finished!

I remember when I painted the War Altar of Sigmar, and I thought, this model takes forever to paint! Well that was nothing compared to this model, same chassis but damn it has a lot of stuff going on.Don't get me wrong, I loved painting it. And I love even more the...