Review: White Dwarf Sept 2016 Monthly WD is back!

I got the new monthly White Dwarf today so I thought I needed to come back to make reviews again, especially with this old new format. So what is like then?In short, great! More than great actually, I finally think GW is getting back to it's roots with this issue and...

Miniature Monday: Celestial Hurricanum

Just a WIP this time around, but at least a late WIP. OMG these models (Hurricanum, Luminark & War Altar) takes forever to paint up. I don't think it really shows, but there's just so many details and stuff going on that needs paint it really takes forever to...

Miniature Monday: Freeguild Guard and Demigryph Knights

So I thought I didn't have enough projects, so I also started to rebase and repaint my old Empire army, now the Freeguild. That is the hardest thing with AoS resisting not to start a new project all the time. Not something I'm good at but at least I'm mostly sticking...

Miniature Monday: Excelsior Warpriest

Hey there, just finished this dude, the Excelsior Warpriest and his pet Gryph hound. I actually played Silver Tower the other day and I played with this dude, really great, the gryph hound did me proud many times in the two sessions I played. Really really fun game as...

Miniature Monday: Kairic Acolytes Wip

So kind of doing a little of everything at the moment so no finsished model for this weeks Miniature Monday. But at least a photo of some of what I'm doing, the Kairic Acolytes for Silver Tower and my AoS Tzeentch army.Really nice models, doing some tryouts with the...