Miniature Monday: Silver Tower Horrors

Actually got some work done today. I airbrushed 12 Pink Horrors, 5 Blue Horrors and 4 Brimstone Horrors. And the great thing is, it's not that much work to be done on these to call them finished.Really satisfied with the result so far, the airbrush really makes things...

News: Pics of Silver Tower Warscrolls for AoS

Looks like my Tzeentch Arcanites army will get some much awaited reinforcements. So lets take a look shall we?Wow, really good in combat and a good caster too? Yes thank you. Love the looks of this guy, and the rules seem really great as well.The Gaunt Summoner was a...

Miniature Monday: Judicators

Another unit added to my Lions of Sigmar, the Judicators. Really nice unit to paint actually, quite easy the reach with your brush anywhere, no shield or anything in the way and such. I put some time into them though and hopes it shows.Will take a full army picture...

News: Silver Tower, more pics and info!

Here's some more pictures and info on what you get in the box. All the stuff looks really great, the Ogroid Traumaturge looks amazing. I really hope we get this stuff for AoS as well, my Tzeentch army needs these!Info and pics via War of SigmarMore informations:"The...