Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower content pictures

I'm so excited for this game, and hopefully it's a nice marriage between the old and wonderful Warhammer Quest and Age of Sigmar. Well the first pictures of what we get has hit the internet, and well I love it so far. Pretty much all of the contents is what I already...

Dawn of War III – Announcement Trailer

Finally! A new Dawn of War game, really psycked for this as I loved the previous games, especially the first and it's expansions. Really cool trailer as well, go and check this out if you haven't already.

Miniature Monday: War Altar of Sigmar

I've decided I wanted some Devoted of Sigmar in to accompany my Stormcast Eternals. And now I finally my converted War Altar, but I did a little more than just rebasing of this model.You can see how it looked before here. And even if I liked how it looked before It...

Miniature Monday: Devoted of Sigmar

Just a quick post today. Iv'e decided to rebase most of my Empire army to incorporate into my Forces of Order in AoS. And I'm starting with the Devoted of Sigmar.So I painted up a new warrior priest, and repainted and rebased the first of my Flagellants.The pics...