Two 1000 point games vs Orks

Two 1000 point games vs Orks

From ages ago as well, really have to stop putting it off so late that I don't remember anything except vague details.My experimental 1000 pts Tau list:ShadowsunRiptide ion accelerator, early wanting override and velocity tracker Riptide ion accelerator, early...
1500 pts IG mirror-match

1500 pts IG mirror-match

Was challenged to an IG vs IG match by the guy who runs this blog... I'd already lost to him with my Ultramarines so it was time to bring a good list. I brought what I at the time thought was the best guard list I could run at 1500 pts considering the models I...
Update: Dark Eldar bases, venoms and IG advisors update

Update: Dark Eldar bases, venoms and IG advisors update

Started paintwork on my bases and they are actually coming out pretty good. The one on the right is finished, and I was actually worried that it was too colourful, but when I put a venom on it I think it actually looks very nice! Apologies for the first blurry...
1850 pts Tau vs Daemons

1850 pts Tau vs Daemons

Post from ages ago... Very quick because I barely remember anything... Played a game against Paul before I went away. Mission was Emperor's Will with dawn of war deployment. Happened a while ago so apologies for missed details (really need to stop doing this as my...