Into the breach Game 2

Having won 20-0 first round, I knew I would be in for some tough opposition in the second one. As predicted, this game was against a member of the Russian ETC team, Wonden, and his tau. His list looked very good and I'll probably be stealing parts of it in the future...

Guardsmen PIP

Just a quick update to how where I've got to. Not sure about marbo's missile, but I want it to stand out without being too bright or introducing too many new colours... So in sort of semi happy with it so far. Still got to do skin and faces, imperial eagles and the...

New recruits

In preparation for the tournament next weekend which will also be ETC style, but has full wysiwyg regulations as well as full paint, I've been adding some new guardsmen that ill also be painting over the week.Basically it's 2 vanilla sergeants, 9 regular guardsmen, a...

Into the breach: Game 1 vs Tyranids

His list looked something like:Swarmlord with tyrant guard Winged hive tyrant with twin devourers3 hive guardA bunch of genestealers with broodlord2x 10 hormagaunts (maybe devil gaunts?) in spore podsTervigonDoom of Malantai with spore podMission was relic (worth...

Into the Breach Tournament

So I arrived in Russia at 5 am today and already I'm off to a tournament. Went by a night flight so I've had about 2 hours sleep and haven't played 40k in 2 months... So we'll see how it goes lol. It's ETC style and fully painted only so I'm using Space Marines with...