Necron Project – Part 3: small step for man…

Neil Armstrong has passed, rest his soul. And as he is taking the last giant leap man can take, I take my own personal small steps in the Necron project. I promised often but small updates, didn't I? In order to be creative and spontaneous enough to create...

Necron project – part 2: of Playmobil and basing

I want to give you guys some more regular updates on this; i.e. whenever I worked on it, I'll show the progress, however small or insignificant... A couple of days a friend of mine gave me an idea for a relacement for the glow sticks in the Warrior's weapons (Gauss...

New ‘Over My Head’ project – Necrons

As faithfull followers know, I had my Dark Angels army up for sale a few weeks ago. In the meantime, they have been sold, and so I am left with an empty shelf, without a proper 40K army. So I started to think about a new army. And since I was fed up with those damned...

Tryout for spinning model

Hell, I have GOT to try this one for myself! It may not be the smoothest turn, but now I know that even I can get these nifty shots :) Want to do spinning pics as well? Check out THIS post by Tim Davis.

Dark Angels for sale

Yes, it is true. After a couple of years building and painting this collection of models, I decided to get rid of it, and start something new... But first things first: to get rid of the Dark Angels. Some background perhaps? As a former fanatical Fantasy player, I...