Rare Uruk Hai Scout Captain

Although this guy has been pictured on my site for some time now I decided that he deserved his own post.  Expertly sculpted by Mr Dave Fredericks of Majestic Bear Miniatures the super rare Uruk Hai Scout captain with two handed axe.  More pictures in...


For a long time I have been strictly a painter and collector of Lord of the Rings miniatures. I have recently started  to play a few games and found that I love it!!!!! So to go alongside my miniature collection I have started to collect dice.  The picture...

Majestic Bear Stone Giant

Sculpted completely from scratch by Mr Dave Fredericks of Majestic Bear Miniatures the Stone Giant.  An absolute joy to paint and yet another one hundred percent flawless sculpt!  Thanks Dave! looking forward to the next one.  I have included...