by DMS | Sep 30, 2012
Painted on commission a Boromir model from the 1980's Citadel range. These models are tough to paint in comparison to the current line. For the base I tried to get a White city look which I quite like and will use again. The sword was painted using...
by DMS | Sep 19, 2012
These three guys are miniatures from the 1980's MERP miniature range. Three Silvan elves. These guys were ok to paint but I struggled with them a little and could never really get them to a place where I was happy with them. They seem a little...
by DMS | Sep 10, 2012
This section of the Dead Marshes is going to be dedicated to the various Terrain pieces in my collection. Some are pre made and painted and some I intend on scratch building. First up is the Limited Edition Helms Deep model.And the Limited Edition Minas...
by DMS | Sep 10, 2012
Another Dave Fredericks sculpt the Majestic Bear. The other half of the Woodsman / Bear twinpack. Great all round sculpt readily available from Dave at Majestic Bear More pictures can be seen in the Majestic Bear section of the Dead marshes.
by DMS | Sep 6, 2012
As I have been painting Mordor Orcs on commission for quite some time now I managed to sneak a couple of my own onto the workbench and here they are. There are multi-view pictures in the Mordor section. For pictures of the commission orcs I have been...