1980’s Citadel Boromir

Painted on commission a Boromir model from the 1980's Citadel range.  These models are tough to paint in comparison to the current line.  For the base I tried to get a White city look which I quite like and will use again.  The sword was painted using...

MERP Silvan Elves

These three guys are miniatures from the 1980's MERP miniature range.  Three Silvan elves.  These guys were ok to paint but I struggled with them a little and could never really get  them to a place where I was happy with them.  They seem a little...


This section of the Dead Marshes is going to be dedicated to the various Terrain pieces in my collection.  Some are pre made and painted and some I intend on scratch building.  First up is the Limited Edition Helms Deep model.And the Limited Edition Minas...

The Majestic Bear

Another Dave Fredericks sculpt the Majestic Bear.  The other half of the Woodsman / Bear twinpack.  Great all round sculpt readily available from Dave at Majestic Bear   More pictures can be seen in the Majestic Bear section of the Dead marshes.

Mordor Orcs

As I have been painting Mordor Orcs on commission for quite some time now I managed to sneak a couple of my own onto the workbench and here they are.  There are multi-view pictures in the Mordor section.  For pictures of the commission orcs I have been...