Red Herrings in the New Codex (1 of…more than 1)

In my last post I talked about Pathfinders and Illic. The Ranger upgrade seems pretty neat until you look at what you're paying just for: double cost for better cover on guys with good cover. And for precision shots on guys that don't shoot enough shots to get through...

Growing Pains: First Game with New Eldar

Well, I'm back from gaming in Tokyo. I did get to try the list I posted up, but unfortunately I only got to play one game, so I didn't get to rewrite it and try again. The one game I had was an exercise in brutally relearning something I had already known and should...

Gaming Weekend: One Last Dance with the 4th Ed. Book

This weekend I'm going to get some gaming in. Seems like this will be the last time I will use the 4th edition Eldar codex. It's a shame the new book couldn't have come out last weekend or something though. It's not easy for me to schedule gaming and it will be a...