Eldar Rumors 2013.5.27: Wargear; An Aside about Fire Dragons

Someone on the Warseer forum threw around the rules of the Remnant of Glory: - Mantle of the laughing god: hit and run, shrouded, stealth, reroll cover saves but you lose the IC rule (doesn't replace one of your weapons) - Shard of Anaris: +2Str melee and rending...

Ganesha Beer Garage

What is with that name? No part of that makes any sense to me. Anyway...this bar serves about 3-4 pages of Belgian beer, another 2 pages of German beer and a page or two of others. Everything is exquisite. It's not just the beer that's good there, the food is...

Happy Birthday Preordering

Well preorders should be starting tomorrow. I turned 30 today (woo!) and I know I've got my birthday shopping list mentally prepped based on the rumors. I'm not as pumped as the Iyanden players probably are about most of the figures, but I feel like there is something...