Review: Warhammer Quest for iOS (and my 100th post! Woo!)

Warhammer Quest is f%&#ing awesome. I'll keep going, but really I could stop there. I bought it just to review it for 2d6D, but I am hopelessly addicted at this point. It's worth the five bucks I paid for sure and I think that's saying a lot because I consider...

Resources on Self-publishing Novels

I just read this interesting article from Salon about self-publishing novels. Wargamers are a creative bunch and I expect there are many with their own ambitions, so I thought I'd share resources like this as I come across them. Here's another from CNET that...

No Internet is No Goodness

Strange, I just went to post up some neat-o pictures and my internet is down. I'll try to get back online and posting ASAP. I'd post from my phone, but the Blogger app is pretty awful for anything of any substance. Anyway, keep an eye out.