Notes on Experiences with Telepathy and my Council

I said in my post on Telepathy powers that I think it is perhaps very much more powerful than Divination in terms of causing enemy models to die, but after playing against some Space Marines and Daemons I'm sort of feeling a little differently about it in certain...

Devs of 40k MMO, Eternal Crusade, post AMA on Reddit

Here is the link to their AMA thread. Have a look see and ask them some good stuff! I just want to know how their game will be different from WoW. I won't even try it if I think there is a chance I have to collect the scalps of 35 grots to get a new pair of...

Hiking in Nagano: Reference Photos

I meant to post this during the week, but I just wasn't able to get to it. Last weekend I went hiking with a friend of mine in the Nagano mountains. I take a lot of pictures anywhere that I find good textures, scenery, wildlife, buildings...even and maybe especially...