TLDR: JetCouncil > WSCouncil

It occurs to me that I didn't even really mention taking a Seer Council without Jetbikes. That's because I wouldn't ever recommend it. There are just too many benefits to taking the Jetbike and too many detriments to taking a Council on foot or in a Serpent. A foot...

Spotlight: The Work of a Brilliant, Unknown Sculptor

All right, so he (or she) is only unknown because I'm ignorant of eastern European languages. I originally saw these on Kaughnor's blog, but while writing my first post on the Seer Council I actually stumbled on the original thread where they surfaced. I think it's...

Re-examining the Seer Council (Part 1): Wargear

I'm not sure that I specifically try to find uses in units that the Internet says are bad. There may be something to that too, but I also like to believe that people write things off before they ever give them a fair chance. I feel like people had an...

Post-script on BttF and Verne

"The hell was the point in that?" is what you're probably not asking because if you weren't into just reconsidering fiction in different ways then you wouldn't have made it through six paragraphs of wondrous, sparkly adventure with your inner child. But you should. I...