Taking Enemy Objectives with…Guardians! Yes, Really…

I had an interesting conversation yesterday with my dude Scott, who I usually talk tactics and other 40k-related stuff with. We were going over the pros. and cons. of Guardian Defenders vs Storm Guardians in the role of taking objectives from enemy units. His feeling...

Making Mistakes So You Don’t Have To: On Using Liquid Mask

I bought this product on impulse, barely even knowing what it was for. I mean, I knew from the name, but I didn't know such a thing existed so it was hard for me to imagine how it was used. Well, falling back on ultimate wisdom and immaculate technique, obviously the...

On Farseers and their Myriad Uses

Another unit I have been seeing a lot of people hating on is Farseers. I think they are amazing (so are the models, I have like 10 of them, including one of those OOP guys like the one above). The changes they underwent do leave a bitter taste in my mouth, but that's...

Falcon PUNCH!: In Defense of a Humble Gunship

Don't be too misled by the title. =D This post isn't about how amazing the Falcon is. It's just that I've seen in numerous threads that people think the Falcon is a complete dud and the weakest link in the Heavy Support section. I don't think that's true. I know we're...