Work bench update

Hi there,Apologies for the lack of updates recently. My wife and I welcomed our first daughter into the world and hobbying took a bit of a back seat for a while. Things have now settled down again and work on my Blood Angels has resumed.Below are the Land Raider...

Dreadnought base complete

The Dreadnought base has been finished. Very happy with the way it has turned out. Was exactly the effect I  was going for. Now I just need to finish off a few missed details on the Dread itself (some lenses need finishing and the under slung weapons attaching)...

Furioso Dreadnaught base WiP

Finished most of the work required on the base last night in preparation to create the dirty water pools I am after. I have made sure that the depressions the mix will be poured into are water tight by filling around the edges with modelling putty and then once it has...

Furioso Dreadnaught WiP

Back before there was a Furioso model released that wasn't all metal and terrible I ran an ironclad as a Furioso. To be honest it works very well as one. Anyway it has had a repaint to fit in with the rest of the army. Pretty much done. It just needs a coat of Satin...

Blood Angels JP Chaplain

One Blood Angels Chaplain done....well ish. The metalics need neatening up a little bit but otherwise he is ready to cleave skulls!On a related note I am very near done with my Blood Angels now. I have one or two pieces to finish off but that will be a LOT of hardwork...