Dark Vengeance is mine!

Had to spring for the limited edition because I'm a sucker for cool-looking chaplains...I think the new allied unit rules in 6th ed are an excellent idea. It's not like you couldn't just do this sort of thing before anyway if you liked (and your opponent agreed), but...

Warwalkers and fitted kitchens

Having spent a month fitting a new kichen in our house, I haven't picked up the brush in a while - however, it's all done now (thank goodness), so here we go with some more Eldar:Next task is to pick up a copy of the new rulebook too... what a luddite I am, still...

My first commission!

I've been toying with doing some commission work for ages now but never had the time. My mate Kev loves all things Lord of the Rings related and asked me to do this one for him so that has provided a great chance to get started - so here's my first non-40K mini for...

Dire Avenger Exarch

Caught the Eldar bug now for a bit so the Marines and Orks are going to have to wait - here's the Dire Avenger Exarch:...and on the subject of "what to do next?" - take a gander at the Christmas haul - not too shabby :o)

Dire Avenger

Better clear the backlog of painting before I do the rest of my Christmas presents... there's still an Eldar battleforce on the list, so here's another one for our pointy-eared aloof friends: