Gigantic Christmas project

Happy New Year folks!This year's suprise Christmas present from the lovely Mrs Doggles was the largest model that I've attempted so far - the enormous Ork Stompa. Good job I had a few days of uninterrupted holiday. It's still not completely done, but most of the parts...

Merry Christmas – Kans all done!

Hope you had a nice Christmas - I got so much stuff to add to the painting list that it will require a separate post... In the meantime, I finished that last Killa Kan, so now we have a set of three:

More Kans!

Now we're cooking on gas - two posts in two days! What is it, Christmas or something?:Opted for a bit of missile launcher action on this one and a nice red cylon-style eye...

Dusty bin…

Where's Ted Rogers?  3...2...1...Killa Kans for addition to the ork force:Love these - they're hilarious models (and big too), and great fun to paint. I thought it was high time I started shifting these off the painting table because I'm hoping that Santa will be...

Swelling the ranks

Finally got around to finishing another tac squad today, so the Eagle Warriors army is starting to reach a fair size - here are a few pics of the latest additions - I've painted the gun casings black this time instead of the usual red just to make differentiating...