Guardians complete!

Wow, this having-time-off-work thing is a hoot - miniatures disappearing from the to-do list with alarming speed. Here's the rest of the Altansar guardian squad all done and dusted. I've also a made a start on a Wave Serpent to carry them, but not quite happy enough...

Altansar Eldar

These have been languishing in the box for far too long now, so I thought I'd start off by finishing what I started with the guardians. The weapon platform has been posted before, but I've updated the basing to match my marines:Looks a bit better I think.Followed this...

More 2nd Ed marines

Finished the squad then...Here are the heavy weapons guys - missile launcher and flamer:...and here's the squad all together:More Legion of the damned next I think. Have a nice Wednesday folks.

Rescued marines

I'm back! - been to Vegas, which was excellent, then in hospital, somewhat less than excellent... I doubt you want to see my holiday snaps or my scars though, so here goes with some new minis. I've mentioned before that GW now rather helpfully do metal shoulder pads...

Skeletons and fire

Legion of the Damned quick'n'dirty paintjob today - whole thing took about an hour. Black undercoat, grey highlights blasted on with the airbrush, and a couple of flames and metallics added in at the end. These seem like a real holiday after all of the work on the...