Final BAO list + rant!

Final BAO list + rant!

BLAM! The BAO is this weekend! It sure did sneak up on me... I hadn't really finalized my list (or painted my army) until yesterday, so I'm pretty much going in with only a rudimentary idea if this army will even work or not. Awesome! I will definitely stock...
Daemons of Chaos pre-orders are up

Daemons of Chaos pre-orders are up

Take a look here.Surprise!! There are 4(yes 4) limited edition codexes to buy... each with a small picture of a unit from it's respective god and a sweet little symbol on the cover.wat duck don't have time for thatOk...Sure...We could totally see this coming since...
Death from the Skies!!!

Death from the Skies!!!

OMG!!!! (sarcasm)Or is it???From Dakka:A new 40k supplement book will be released on 16th February: "Death from the Skies" (26€, mail order only, chance of being in English only). 70 page "compendium". It will have updated 6th edition rules for flyers: Stormraven (now...
1st DA BAO list idea

1st DA BAO list idea

I just want to spit ball a DA list idea based on stuff I have already. I know the bike list is what's hot on the streets right now and I do think it's really good. However, I only own like 5 bikes... so blowing at least $500 on bikes doesn't sound awesome...
Codex DA: First impressions

Codex DA: First impressions

I know, why so soon?Well, I just got my book in the mail yesterday as I ordered it through a discount retailer and they decided to send it media mail which took a week or so. Wah wah... But it's here and I've given it a look over so I wanted to talk about it a...