New FAQ 1.2 recap and review

New FAQ 1.2 recap and review

It's always an exciting day when new FAQ's are released as the game can change in many strange ways at the whim of GW. Whether it was meant to be that way from the start or not, who knows? But that isn't how the books were printed so that's not how we...
2012 GW 40k release review

2012 GW 40k release review

Me with Codex: Dark Angels...Looking back at last year (We made it!!! No Mayan apocalypse for us), there was actually quite a lot of GW activity related to 40k. Not all of it was awesome. To be fair some of the things they did this year were pretty cool. Necrons came...
DA rules rumors

DA rules rumors

I haven't been able to find too much on the actual rules for the upcoming DA book, that is until today!From over on dakka, user Pretre posted a big conglomeration of rules. I wanna take a look at those and talk about them individually and try to come up with some...
Dreadknights in 6E

Dreadknights in 6E

Anyone who's followed me for a while knows that I have been playing Dreadknights since they were released. I love my big baby Terminator carriers! It's tactical dreadnought armor, C'mon x-to-the-z... Get it right!In 5th edition I tried many different...

Dark Angels are up for advance order!!!

Blam!I know it's been a while since I last posted, but I wanted to get this out there because I'm pretty excited for this release. Not quite as excited for the price tags, but it is what it is. I will be doing some battle reports and other non-sense in the near...