Malifaux Roleplaying game?

Malifaux Roleplaying game?

I just wanted to post this real quick here. Wyrd is producing a malifaux RPG and funding it through kickstarter. If you back their project before 5pm PST today, you get a free Miss Terious Gen Con exclusive. I love the world of Malifaux and this seems like a good way...
To BAO or not to BAO?

To BAO or not to BAO?

That is the question...I have gone to this tournament in it's first two years and had a hell of a good time both years. I have finished highly in every event I have played there, but have not been able to place with a prize. (Bragging rights only go so far, haha) I...
Privateer Press Holiday Bundles

Privateer Press Holiday Bundles

It's that time of year again! Everyone is slashing prices and offering gift set bundles to get more stuff out the door. This is awesome for anyone looking into warmahordes as I feel these bundles offer a better look at how the game actually plays.  All the bundles...

In case you’ve been living in a cave…

See what I did there??GW is previewing there Hobbit battle strategy game in the next White Dwarf. I'm not sure if it's going to be similar to the Lord of the Rings game or more of a skirmish game, but it should be interesting and sell like hot cakes when the movies...
ArchAngel stats! (For reals)

ArchAngel stats! (For reals)

The stats were previewed in the No Quarter this month and the actual page with them was leaked today. I'm sorry to say, the stats in the NQ were pretty much exactly the leaked stats. Take a look.That's pretty much 100% Glass cannon. It will hit like a truck, but it...