Witch Hunters on the Workbench

Things have continued to be hectic these past few months but I have managed to squeeze in some time for painting and modelling. I have principally been working on the miniatures of the Triumvirate of the Imperium box and some of their associated models as well as a...

Hobby Goals 2017

Well 2016 wasn't a particularly productive year in the hobby for me (being an all-round bad year for many), though in the last few months of it some painting and modelling did get done in the form of some Warmachine miniatures and my Flesh-eaters, respectively. With...

Returning to Warmachine

Over the summer my brother, on a whim, busted out his Warmachine stuff and coaxed me into having some games with him. While I fared miserably against the might of Cygnar, it did prompt me into doing something with my Menites. I started playing Warmachine in 2013 but...

How to: Basing in the Realm of Death

I haven't seen too many basing tutorials for Age of Sigmar and thought I would throw this one into the mix for people to enjoy. It is a variation on a few techniques and tutorials I have seen floating around the web to make lava or to create the impression of an...

Game of Thrones – The Mad Queen

Season 6 Finale SPOILERS Ahead!Continue at your own risk!I really enjoyed Season 6 of Game of Thrones. While I had a few issues with one or two storylines and some of the pacing; I did find it a big improvement over season 5 (which I really didn't like i.e....