Reviving my Dark Eldar – Talos Pain Engine

Here are some more photos of my recently revived Dark Eldar army. You can find more pictures of all aspects of the army by clicking on the 'Parade Grounds' page found near the top and scrolling down to 'Scions of the Skin-Lord'. Clicking on this will take you to a...

The End Times: Archaon – Review

So the end has finally come. This is it, the final swan song of Warhammer as we know it. I realise it has taken me a long time to review this book since its release, this is partially due to exams and other commitments I have had, but it is also due to a profound...

Inquisitor Mortimer Rex – Ordo Xenos Radical

"We can learn much from the Xenos if only we open ourselves to them"Once a proud servant of the Imperium, Inquisitor Mortimer Rex has fallen into sadism and debauchery from his dealings with the Dark Eldar. Desiring knowledge and power above all else he has aligned...