Reviving my Dark Eldar – Lord Havelock Dread-Hand

"I can taste it in the air, the sweet elixir of battle. Blood. Sweat. Fear. Pain. I drink it in through every pore of my skin and feast upon it with my hungry eyes. I live for the violence of our age; if only so that I can dance as a gore-drenched God amongst the...

At the summit of the Doom-Spire

No light pierced the infinite darkness of the Doomspire as that lonely tower sailed across the aetheric waves of eternity. Deep in the gloom of uncountable horrors stirred hidden servants of the black prince; half-crawling, half-limping upon misshapen limbs they...

The Hobbit – Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm

For Christmas my brother bought me this excellent miniature which I consider to be one of the best models to come out of the Hobbit range GW have done. In fact I liked the mounted version of his model so much I have slightly converted it to use as my avatar/antagonist...

Nagash, Elven Hosts and Sauron – New year, new projects

This week I have finally begun my new projects for this year after settling back into university. My main project is going to be Nagash, whose model I have wanted ever since I first laid eyes upon it, and then as a secondary project I will be attempting to build an...