Game of Thrones – Salladhar Saan’s Lysene Pirates

Game of Thrones – Salladhar Saan’s Lysene Pirates

The second part of my Dragonstone force is a small group of Lysene pirates hired by Ser Davos to pad out Stannis's army and led by an old friend of the onion knight: Salladhar Saan himself. Apologies for only a short post today but I will make up for it next...
My Glottkin woes and hobby life as a student.

My Glottkin woes and hobby life as a student.

For a while now the blog has been largely running on pre-prepared posts I have scheduled in advance due to the fact that I am now at university and do not have time during the week to do much hobby stuff. This will therefore be a slightly unusual post for me as it...
Game of Thrones – House Baratheon of Dragonstone

Game of Thrones – House Baratheon of Dragonstone

All Hail the One True King of Westeros!The King in the Narrow SeaStannis BaratheonWith all these pretenders to the throne fighting in the Riverlands I have finally turned my attention to the rightful King: Stannis of the House Baratheon, King of the Andals, the First...
Inquisitor Tobias the Witch-Hammer

Inquisitor Tobias the Witch-Hammer

I have spent my life fighting the Daemon and all his warp-spawned abominations. Every horror of Chaos I have faced and smote in the name of the Emperor only to turn around and see worse monsters amongst my own order. The Ordo Malleus is a pious body but riddled with...