Reviving My Dark Eldar – Lord Maugris Depravum

Reviving My Dark Eldar – Lord Maugris Depravum

"I said this would be the triumph of our family. That I would see generations of our Trueborn rule the stars as hungry gods. I was wrong, and now you forsake the future dreamt of by your ancestors for vengeance born of a mental fever. I will follow you 'Skin-Lord' but...
Game of Thrones – House Tully

Game of Thrones – House Tully

Several years ago I heard that HBO was making a new series based on the best-selling fantasy series 'A Song of Ice and Fire'. Deciding I could do with something fresh after re-reading the Lord of the Rings for the fifth/sixth? time I sat down and read the first book...
Reviving my Dark Eldar – The Admiral

Reviving my Dark Eldar – The Admiral

The deck was in chaos. Brother fought brother as friends became enemies in a heartbeat. Lethis was dead. Lehron IV burnt and the empire was lost. Instincts older than memory awakened as each man fought for himself. The void-ship was careening haphazardly to and fro as...
Reviving my Dark Eldar – Scions of the Skin-Lord

Reviving my Dark Eldar – Scions of the Skin-Lord

He choked on the air, thick with ash and vaporised blood it made him retch. Not that it was an unfamiliar sensation; but rather in the ruin and pain of Lehron IV Durizael had taken leave of reality. The thick black bile slopped messily from his broken jaw: a cocktail...
Army Showcase – Part 14 – The Temple of Khaine

Army Showcase – Part 14 – The Temple of Khaine

The new Khainite troops for the Dark Elves are absolutely beautiful miniatures and if this was my only army I would buy lots, lots more of them. Forming the third main part of my Dark Elf army the Temple of Khaine will provide specialist reinforcements for Houses...