by Doombringer | Jul 8, 2018
'At the Court of the Silver King' is going to be my first narrative-driven foray into painting and modelling in the Age of Sigmar. At the centre of this shall be my Flesh Eater Courts army, the mad minions of the legendary Silver King himself. I shall also be...
by Doombringer | Jun 24, 2018
The crusade begins! So I've finally managed to get hold of the first few boxes of Custodes I will need for my initial 1000pt army. I know that at the start of the year I would only start on a Custodes force when I had finished some more projects, but due to my...
by Doombringer | May 20, 2018
Looking forward to this! The first things I have worked on for my Custodes project are funnily enough not any Adeptus Custodes at all. Instead I have been painting up Eisenhorn, my rendition of Cherubael, and a small warband representing some of the forces available...
by Doombringer | May 6, 2018
Flat colours Seeing as in I obviously don't have enough projects on the go already, I decided that I would take some time this year re-vamping my old LOTR collection. Looking at my collection I realised just how flat the colours were and how dire in need they were of...
by Doombringer | Apr 22, 2018
So, The Euphemism (I must get him back into blogging) and I will be living in the same city for a few years now. As one of my goals for this year is to get more games in, I suggested to him the prospect of us attempting some doubles tournaments to which he readily...