The Madness of Freehand

The Madness of Freehand

There is something that goes far beyond the most subtle highlighting, the smoothest blending or the most detailed sculpting.....freehand.I've tried freehand once before on my BSB on foot and it was very much trial and error until it was spot on and looking back I've...
Master of Magic

Master of Magic

After a couple of months off from painting (life, work and others hobbies got in the way) I've returned to my table and my High Elves! With the new Dark Elves book out I need to get going with my Asur and throw those Druchii dogs back into the sea!With that in mind I...

Something stirs in the woods of the Old World…..

Once you walk the path of the Ruinous Powers, you're never free of their influence.....In years gone by I played Beastmen or Beasts of Chaos as they were known. Now *those* were the days! Mixing Mortals, Beasts and Demons it was a true Horde of Chaos! Several years...

Taking the High road

Some time last year, after having my Wood Elves trampled under the iron shod boots of a bunch of fatties, I decided it was time to try something new, something Elven but with a bit more of a punch. Enter the High Elves.It was a bit of a struggle to decide on which...

Paint Hammer 2012-11-26 23:27:00

The Art of Converting While Richard is busy mewling in the pit of despair that is his dead computer, I'm free to make a long overdue post! After popping into my local GW and picking up some models (Glade Guard or White Lions....Glade Guard....or White...