Super Dungeon Explore and Dark Angels Test Model

Greetings Nurgley Friends. Today I just have a quick post for you with a couple of completed models (and one not so completed).First up is a Spawning Point and Dwarf model from Super Dungeon Explore. I picked up the box for this brand new on Ebay, the aim of which is...

The Cleaver’land Greens

Greetings all you pestilent friends. Recently I have become a bit bogged down in all the Skaven Slaves I have been painting, and so decided to have a break. This coincided nicely with the start of the NFL season. It got me thinking, I am a big Cleveland Browns fan...

Skaven Warlock Engineer Completed

Greetings pestilent friends. I have been slow with my painting recently, but have finally finished my Warlock Engineer.I wanted to reflect the twisted technology possessed by this character by using a Warlock-Augmented Halberd, and so followed the guide in White Dwarf...

Tale of Three Gamers (Skaven Update)

Greetings fellow followers of The Decayed One, it feels ages since I last posted, I must have got lost in Nurgle's garden. In actual fact I have been busy the last few weeks redecorating, however I have a progress update to show you:Skavenslaves (almost...

Dorn’s Arrow’s Finished Thunderwolf

Greetings fellow followers of the Plague God. On Friday I finally finished my Thunderwolf (sorry about the delay, its been a very busy couple of weeks).This was a fantastic opportunity to try out some new techniques (I have never painted that much fur),  and just...