Heresy in Motion

I am just now starting to play around with shooting videos to show of models. Aint the internet great?! With youtube it is just too easy to share some pictures in motion with like-minded gamers. Something that every teenager has already figured out, but I guess gamers...

The Heresy Begins…

I've really enjoyed the process of putting together a Heresy Era army. The new models are fantastic of course. But the real joy is trying to put together models that were meant to kill xenos but are now forced to slay other battle brothers. Hordes of bolters, the new...

Adepticon: Horus Heresy Betrayal Tournament

The first day of Adepticon this year was also when the first Adepticon Horus Heresy event was held. Due to the weather delays I know a few people who wanted to play were not able, but still we had about 12 players.This awesome Death Guard army belongs to Ty F. He...

Adepticon 2013

Another trip to Chicago is in the books and we had a great time! Despite the bad weather at the start of the convention things went very well. For those that didn't know, there was widespread flooding around Chicago. It caused numerous travel delays for out of town...

Nurgle Blight Drones

Well it has finally begun, preparation for Adepticon 2013. Actually the prep started this past summer when I got these beautiful Nurgle models at GenCon. It's just now that I put the finishing touches on them. First off, the Blight Drones are awesome straight out of...