Dark Age and Dark Heresy RPG

Its seems like there wouldn't be too much carry over between the emerging table top game Dark Age and the FFG Dark Heresy RPG. And you are right! Except many of the Dark Age models are just awesome for using in Horus Heresy or even Necromunda for that matter.GenCon...

Inquisitorial Kill Zone Henchmen

The last of the Inquisitorial Kill Zone team images are up today. Towards the end of 5th edition 40K we played a lot of Special Operations Kill Zone. The games were great fun and people who didn't ever get much gaming out of 5th edition were able to pull some old...

Death Cult Assassins

It seems fitting to end the first week of the New Year off with some Assassins. These ladies were feared by most opponents during our Kill Zone games. The ladies come with a boatload of power weapon attacks. Of course there is some downside, low toughness and subpar...

Inquisitorial Henchmen

Still more Inquisitors from Adepticon 2012 Special Operations Kill Zone event to show you all. To be honest, the whole Inquisitorial thing started with the acolyte with an eviscerator! I mean a dude carrying a super long chainsaw that he uses to "persuade" people...

Inquisitor of Ordos Xenos

Way back to the early spring of this year, 5th Edition was still going strong and Special Operations: Kill Zone was happening at Adepticon. After looking through my stash of spare miniatures I decided to do an Inquisitorial Kill Team after I found...