by DrGabe | Oct 12, 2011
A couple of days ago, I showed the completed unit. But today I wanted to share the unit champion in detail. While the standard troopers can get a bit repetitive over a short time, the unit leaders and the characters are nothing short of awesome.The base is cork board...
by DrGabe | Oct 10, 2011
It seems like eons ago that I started this unit, but they are done! Painting 40 Boys is no laughing matter, let me tell you. But it was great fun painting up all of these orcs. While I generally still hate a few things about the kit, it is an improvement over the...
by DrGabe | Sep 20, 2011
I am now thirty of forty Orc Boys down. Wahooo! In fact, as I write this the other four models are dangerously close to being done with the rest of the models. At the moment, I am waiting for some Secret Weapon Miniature supplies to arrive to finish off the...
by DrGabe | Sep 13, 2011
One of the biggest aids in painting large regiments in Warhammer Fantasy Battles (like this huge Orc Boy mob) is to put some of your models on the long regiment bases (like last weeks post), or square monster bases. It helps break up with 'stand in a straight line'...
by DrGabe | Sep 6, 2011
I've been busy back at the painting table the last week. The Orc Boys are getting some special attention. Also, I hope to start a new theme on my blog- Miniature Monday. It goes like this- I don't like some of the things social media gives us. However, I've been...