Demonic Portal Glyphs fun for the whole family..

Have you been mustering your demonic forces? Summoning up some evil to once again hit the table top. It's no lie that since the new Demon book has dropped Demons have been hitting tables in force ready to roll on some random charts and consume souls. There are skulls...

The community speaks about 6th edition

So I wrote up a little article last week, not even so much of a article more of a quick rant. That's what personal blogs are for right? You post some random pictures, discuss game things you are thinking about, some random rants about things on your mind. I commented...

Hello is anyone still gaming?

Crickets, can be heard in once packed gaming halls in my area. Perhaps that is a slight over statement. Let’s stick with what I have seen. These could be wrong, but the impression is that things have gone quiet. What do I mean by that.. Well.. The online community...

STC Explorator Fleet – June Edition

Welcome to another installment of STC Explorator Fleet! This month the Tech-Priests of STC continue on their Exploration to reclaim some of the coolest and most inspirational posts from around the blog-o-sphere that way have been lost in the Warp.+++IDS 2 152...

Is it a new Digital Age?

I am sure you have seen the chatter about Digital Books and Digital Codex online. Is going Digital the way of the future? Don't go burning your books just yet though. Drkmorals here, dropping some deep thoughts and random text about something that has been on my...